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Good day! My name is Nina Ivanova.I speak to you on behalf of a group of investors from Russia. In 2010 year we invested money in the purchase of an apartmentes in the project called Doriss Land in the north of Hurghada. The contract is concluded with. Mr Mohamed Eldesouky — chairman of company Red Sea Pearl for touristic Investment. It is already three years that the construction has practically stopped. We wanted to know the reason. In 2016 year we received the letter from Red Sea Governorate. By court order company Red Sea Pearl lost land owner status. At the moment, Mr. Mohammed El Desouki assures us that there are no problems with documents and owner of the land . Could you help to get information about the owner of the land under project Doriss Land and coordinates to communicate.? We would like to speak with him and make sure that problems are solved. Regards , Иванова Н.А.,Волынцева Ольга,Забелин Семен,Чеканов Андрей,Королева Ирина,Носков Александр,Родионов Дмитрий,Старовойтова Ольга,Цейтлин Евгений,Чумакова Татьяна,  Устинова Елена, Морозов Михаил,Добруля Сергей,Земляная Ирина,Постниченко Владимир,Иванова Екатерина и др. 27.02.2017.

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Создан в 27.02.2017 20:58  пользователем:  
Изменен в 27.02.2017 20:58  пользователем:  
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